So our new CEO has made all dept. set goals for ourselves. And it's got me thinking I need to make myself some "outside of work" goals. There is so much I want to do.. lose weight, knit more, work on my spiritual relationship, take more photos, and the list goes on and on.. My main goal use to be to spend more time with Kenlsey, and with Derrick working the crazy shift he does, that goal has been one of my most achieved goals. Don't get me wrong I've always spent alot of time with her, but with work and everything else I felt like it was not quality time. Now, that she never wants to leave my side we actually get to spend quality time together, and I enjoy it so much. Last weekend we watched a disney marathon on abc family of Bambi, Lion King and Aladdin. I love spending down time with her and actually getting to enjoy the little moments..
Now, on to the more challenging goals.....
Weight Loss
Last Sunday, I was doing great.. I was doing online excerise video's (Body Rock), running, ab lounge, etc.. but then I got "deathly" sick. Of course not really but I felt horrible. So I stopped, then I had dental work done on Tuesday so needless to say I fell off the Excerise bandwaggon.
So, Sunday, I am jumping back on.. I will keep you updated on how it's going...